And this is our project, Correlation of Temperature and Tourism in Baguio.
Our main objective is to use Data science techniques in gaining new insights regarding climate change and global warming and form
recommendations to positively impact tourism in Baguio.
Is there a correlation between the number of tourists and the average temperature of Baguio?
What are the individual trends of the average temperature of Baguio and the number of tourists?
Null Hypothesis: There is no correlation between the temperature and the number of tourists in Baguio.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a negative correlation between the temperature and the number of tourists in Baguio.
We propose making a correlation model as well as a predictive model on the two variables to see their correlation and future trends.
Insights will be gathered from the result to help in forming recommendations regarding climate change and global warming as well
as tourism in Baguio.
We simulated accessing of the Weather Underground dataset using Chrome browser. All the information
from the dataset were collected such as daily temperature, humidity, pressure, dew point, wind speed, and precipitation.
Tourism Dataset
For the number of tourists, this is simply accessed from the
Freedom of Information Philippines website.
The dataset also has other information such as length of stay, occupancy details, and so on.
Data Curation
The irrelevant variables have been removed from the complete dataset. This is done manually via the editing of
the spreadsheets generated by the data collection. The other variables for the weather data are kept in the daily spreadsheet
in the case that it is needed in the future. The other data regarding occupancy details is saved on our group drive should we
need it in the future.
We used some preprocessing techniques such as normalization and standardization.
We used seaborn and matplotlib to generate plots about the relationships of our data.
Hypothesis Testing
We used cross-correlational analysis via Python
to confirm the initial findings from the correlation matrix.
Let's talk about our data science methodology.
Data Modeling
We created a time series model using SARIMA to forecast the
number of tourists in the upcoming years. According to the prediction of the model,
there is a slow increase in the number of tourists during peak season. However,
further testing and validation should be conducted to improve the accuracy of the model.
One of the difficulties enocuntered was making the data stationary for SARIMA due to the
presence of trends and outliers (ex. pandemic decline). Better handling of this can increase
model performance. Lastly, hyperparameter tuning techniques such as grid search may
also help improve performance.
Here's what we found out.
Is there a correlation between the number of tourists and the average temperature of Baguio?
Average Plots
By plotting both the average monthly temperature and the monthly number of tourists
in Baguio, the seasonality in both variables becomes more apparent. However, there
appears to be no consistent relationship between them which is further supported by
the correlation matrix on the right. At times, tourist peaks align with the lowest
temperatures, while at other times, they coincide with the highest temperatures.
A possible interpretation of this is that the number of tourists in Baguio is high
during the summer when the temperature is at its highest.
Correlation Matrix
Given the correlation matrix, there is a correlation of -0.09 between the temperature
and the number of tourists in Baguio. This value denotes a very weak negative
Thus, as verified by our hypothesis testing, there is no correlation
between the temperature of Baguio and the number of tourists.
What are the individual trends of the average monthly
temperature of Baguio and the number of tourists?
Temperature Plot
As seen in the plot, the average monthly temperature in Baguio exhibits
seasonality, with the yearly minimum during the start/end of the year and the yearly
maximum around the second quarter of the year. This is expected as it is the hottest
during the summer season and the coldest around December.
Number of Tourists Plot
As seen in the plot, the number of tourists exhibits seasonality,
with it peaking during the start of the second quarter (summer) and towards the
end of the year (“Ber-months”). Furthermore, there was also a steady increase
in the number of tourists each year up until the decline in 2020 due to the
pandemic. The number however is steadily rising after 2021, exhibiting a
recovery from the pandemic decline.
What do these results say?
There is no strong correlation between the temperature in Baguio and the number of tourists.
However, the number of tourists exhibits seasonality, with it peaking around the end/start
of a year. There is also a steady increase in the number of tourists pre/post-pandemic. As for the temperature, there are no significant changes which must be
Given this, our group gives the following recommendations:
Recommendation #1
For further studies, the difference between the temperature in Baguio
and other regions in the Philippines can be used instead of the temperature in Baguio
itself. Doing so may better encapsulate the phenomenon of people choosing to go to
cooler destinations to escape the heat.
Recommendation #2
Given the steady increase of tourists in Baguio, it is important that its
local government ensures the protection of the environment amidst the growth
in tourism through effective policies. An example is conducting rehabilitation
projects during non-peak seasons. After all, good environmental conditions are
beneficial in attracting tourists.
We'd like to hear from you.
Gerimiah Juganas
Rainbow greetings! I am Geri, a 4th year BS Computer Science student from UP Diliman. As someone who enjoys continuously learning and figuring out why and how things work, I hope to become a data scientist in the future. I also enjoy UI/UX design.
Aside from being a woman in CS, I am also a queer advocate. I devote my time away from academics to work for programs that help serve the LGBTQ+ community. I hope to one day be able to apply my learnings in the CS field to my advocacy.
Mark Luigi M. Cumabig
Hello!!! I am igi, and I am a 4th year BS Computer Science student from UP Diliman. My interests in the field of CS include data science, machine learning, and software engineering. I plan to become a data analyst in the future.
My hobbies/interests outside CS include Dota 2, Pokemon, and running (away from my responsibilities, jk). Thank you for your interest in our project and I hope you enjoy reading our portfolio =).
Jim M. Oscares
Hello!!! I am Jim, and I am a 4th year BS Computer Science student from UP Diliman. I am currently working as a developer for an MMORPG called Dekaron Rising. I also moderate the forums for the game.
My hobbies outside CS are mostly gaming but I am also a speedcuber (speedsolving rubik's cubes).